2024 SEASON – NatBod Bodysport Calendar & Info

Are you passionate about natural bodybuilding? Do you want to challenge yourself and see how far you can go? If so, you will love the 2024 NatBod Bodysport season, the ultimate events for natural bodybuilders in Australia and beyond. This page has everything you need to know about the series, including the dates, locations, categories, divisions, photography, tanning and entry forms. Whether you are a veteran or a newbie, this is your chance to show off your hard work and achieve your bodybuilding goals. Don’t miss this amazing opportunity – sign up today and get ready to shine!

Events Calendar 2024

AUSTRALIAN OPEN International Pro/Am

Saturday 23rd November – Tweed Heads/Gold Coast


$20 per person (kids under 12 free)

Click here to purchase

Competitor Entry Forms & Info Below

Info & Posing Workshops

FREE Workshop

  • Season B Virtual Workshop Video COMING SOON

Competitor Info

Entry Forms

PRO DIVISIONSNatBod Pro’s compete for FREE! Contact us directly to confirm your entry. International athletes who have a natural pro card are also invited to compete for free in our pro divisions. (***Australian based athletes must first qualify for the pro division through our amateur system***)

Stage Photography

Stage photography is by Nithin from Gym & Glamour photography.

  • Pre-bookings: CLICK HERE
  • Check out Nithin’s Instagram & Website
  • Special deals on gym/fitness photoshoots – contact Nithin directly to organise

You are allowed to use your phone to capture pics/video however no other photography cameras/equipment will be permitted at the competitions. We will enforce this policy strictly and if you do not adhere you may be asked to leave the venue.


  • Global Natural Tans – includes base coat day before & top coat/bronzer on show day morning – Visit This Link

You are permitted to do your own tan if you choose, however no spray equipment is allowed to be brought to the venues & you must be responsible with your top coat application. Bookings for tans are to be organised directly with the provider(s). Hair & make-up is at your own discretion – we recommend keeping it simple as we are focused on a sports based image however you are free to do whatever you choose as it will have no effect on the judging.

Spectator Tickets

  • AUSTRALIAN OPEN International Pro/Am – Tweed Heads Civic & Cultural Centre Gold Coast – 23rd November 2024
  • BUY TICKETS HERE – $20 per person (Kids Under 12 Free)


Get Involved

Sponsorship Opportunities

Promote your brand & support our sport!

Service Providers

Opportunities available.


Judges, Backstage Support Crew, Award Presenters & more!

Coaches Directory

List your coaching business for FREE – natural coaches only – CLICK HERE

Contact Ryan to find out more – rjnorman@natbod.com / 0420 470 282

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